• We are now multi-project capable!
The GUI was always actually capable of being used on more than one project, but it was clunky to do so. We have found an elegant way to get around that and so there is a new "Projects" tab in the UI. We also list the current project on each UI page.
• Better handling of default values!
There are essentially two types of default values: page and context. Now you can use both as fallbacks when there isn't a more specific value. This is a setting for each object so that when a value is retrieved the preference goes to the specific value, then the default value if possible. When turned off the default values are not retrieved.
• Improved UI and bug fixes!
We recently fixed in Dec 2024 issues with HTML object library for a handful of tags and improved the HTML formatting by removing some legacy code.
We have added the object type to dropdowns and columns where helpful. This was sometimes important information when looking to update values, but could be hard to figure out. Some bugs were also fixed.
There were some PHP 8.1+ incompatibilities.
The mysqli_obj library was failing in PHP 8.2 do to a change in handling GLOBALS.
Row_pattern had type errors in PHP 8.1+ when a null output was expected.
The ToDo-Diary sample project generated improper search queries in PHP 8.1+ because of a change in the PHP ceil function.
There were some more general bugs.
The export library was making calls to the HTML Object library which created an unintented dependency to that library when it should have used the calls in itself.
Two of the main export library calls were also revamped to make them easier to parse when reading the source code and to improve the output logic. These had to be modified anyway because of the addition of the default context fallback feature. Enjoy!
• ToDo-Diary sample project improvements!
We added both a spc_ord and an act_bit fields to the types table for future use.
We added row numbering to todo dropdown option boxes for better finding of items when the list gets long.
We removed unused legacy code from the template to make the install "cleaner".
We added some future use files to the installer for upcoming features.
• HFW improvements!
PHP 8+ bug fixes.
More intuitive create objects page handling of page assignment automatic special ordering.
Fixes to the help pages.
Enhanced hfw_get_pg_list function with active page and column priority input parameters.
Images here might not be representative of the latest versions of the code or how it will render on all browsers or devices.